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Without awareness, your intuition means nothing.

Intuition plays a big part in my life as a transformational coach, spiritual teacher, and healer. But not only in my work, but also as a single mother of two teen girls, solopreneur, and the biggest reason of all, me, myself, and I. I don’t even want to think about where I could have found myself today if not for my gift of awareness and intuition. Some of the blocks, beliefs, and circumstances from my past are pretty heavy. From sexual abuse to attempted suicide, depression, anxiety, and everything in between and I can see how they could destroy a person who doesn’t have awareness and who isn’t connected to their inner guidance. I’ve lived it. I’ve come through it all by myself, with awareness as the guiding light. I didn’t grow up in a spiritual home. In fact, for the first part of my childhood, my father was an alcoholic, and by the time I went to high school, my life was completely different. By the time I hit high school both my parents found Christ and became born again Christians. Our house went from one extreme to the other. Even though having both parents in the church brought more ease and peace into our home, and we didn’t have to deal with all the yuck that came with my father’s drinking, I still felt like something was missing from my life. I felt different. I can remember when my parents would ask me to go fetch something from their bedroom which was at the far end of the house, we had to make sure to switch the lights off on the way back up to the front of the house. I hated this. I knew that the moment I switched the lights off “they” would follow me, and I could hear their footsteps behind me. I never walked back, I ran like the devil was chasing me.  At night when I went to bed, I would pull the sheets over my head so that I couldn’t be seen, or rather so that I couldn’t see “them” whoever “them” were. I knew that I was different from a young age and that I had something bigger to do, I just didn’t know what exactly. I would feel things and didn’t know how to explain them. I would see things and didn’t know what they were, and my parents would tell me I had an overactive imagination dismissing what I had seen or experienced. As you can imagine, this left me with questions, a lot of questions. After school, I broke away from the church and started searching. My boyfriend at the time introduced me to books like Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, The Power of the Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy, The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peel, and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. This started my journey into self-development and spiritual growth.

Fast forward twenty-nine years, and skipping over everything that happened for me and how every event shaped my reality, I now know who I am and what I am here to do. I am here to help people like you tap into their power of awareness and help them harness their innate abilities, their intuition, the voice of their soul. I believe that our first sense is our intuitive sense, our psychic sense, the voice of our soul. It’s not the sixth sense, like Hollywood would like you to believe. You were born with it. It’s a part of you. There is however something that you need to do first before you can fully harness your intuition. You have to become aware. You have to be able to observe your mind, your energy, your words, and your actions. Eckhart Tolle said it: "Be the observer of your mind. "Why is awareness the first step to truly living a guided and fulfilled life? Because without awareness, you won’t be able to notice your intuitive nudges, and you won’t hear the subtle voice of your soul. Why would you want to hear the voice of your soul? Because it knows the answers you seek, it holds your next step to becoming the best version of you, and it will make life so much easier. It will shorten the time that you take to "get over" the obstacles that present themselves in your life. I have so many stories of how my awareness saved me from so much trouble and heartache.

Intuition doesn’t come in a loud, booming voice but rather in short, soft words that drop into your mind or awareness. If you are not aware of your own inner dialogue or mind, you will most certainly miss the voice of your soul, which is here to help you navigate everything that is happening for you right now. How do I become more aware? You need to pay attention to your thoughts! You must start observing your mind and the stories it holds. You will be surprised how quickly you find the blocks and patterns in your life by simply becoming aware.

I have created a journal/workbook called THE AWARENESS JOURNAL which will make it easier to get started on your journey of building awareness. It is available on Amazon. For those who would like to just get started, here is one thing that you can do to get started on the path of more awareness. First Thought For the next 30 days, write down the first thought that pops into your head when you open your eyes in the morning. Make sure you write it down, and then come back in the evening and write down how your day went. That’s all. Make sure you do it. After 30 days, go back and look at the days where you had a good thought in the morning and compare the rest of your day to that good vibe you woke up with. Then look at the days where you woke with a negative or bad thought, look at how your day went, and compare the "vibe" for the day. You might notice that the days you started with good thoughts went relatively well compared to the days where you started with negative thoughts. This will bring awareness to your thoughts and how your thoughts affect your day. For the people who say that they don’t do journaling and wouldn’t be able to write every day, just start noticing what your first thoughts of the day are. When a negative thought comes in, stop it and reframe it to something you’re grateful for or something you might be looking forward to in your day. This simple yet powerful awareness exercise will change your life, first in little ways then in big ways. Here's another one you can do…as a bonus. Body check When you wake up, sit on the side of the bed, feet on the ground. Start by checking in. How do you feel? Did you have a good night’s sleep, or are you tired? Do you have any aches or pains? By becoming aware of your own body and energy, you will set yourself up to recognize how other people’s energy affects you and if you are a sensitive person like I am, this will truly change your life.

I love bringing awareness to my clients and the people around me. I trust that the information I shared here will put you on the path to true happiness and abundance. And of course, living a fully guided and aligned life. Leonie

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