Awareness, I feel, is the one thing, our natural super power, that we have lost and that has been programmed out of us by society. By not being aware of ourselves we don't know who we are, what we want, what we need and how to go about getting it in the way that is best for us...or maybe not getting what we want, which is best for us.
It is my mission and purpose to bring awareness back into our lives so that we can live our best, soul guided life.
There is too much information out there that becomes so confusing and it's doing more harm than good. By being in tune with your own body, mind and spirit, you will be able to make the RIGHT decision for you and your wellbeing. Because let's face it, we are all so very different.
Here are ten ways in which AWARENESS can change your life for the better. (But there are so many more reasons to become aware)
1. Awareness will help tune you into your inner voice which is a part of you. This inner voice, the voice of your soul is your intuition, your gut feeling, your psychic sense. Call it what you want. It's not your 6th sense, it's your first! Tap back into it and see your life open up to the beauty of it all.
2. Becoming more aware of your emotions enables you to respond to them consciously rather than reactively, fostering inner peace and reducing conflicts in relationships.
3. Heightened awareness cultivates empathy, allowing you to truly listen and understand others, strengthening bonds and fostering a sense of belonging.
4. Being aware of your words and body language improves communication, leading to more authentic connections and meaningful conversations.
5. By being present in the moment, having awareness of the now, you open yourself to inspiration and new perspectives, igniting creativity in daily tasks and endeavors.
6. Developing self-awareness unveils layers of your personality and beliefs, guiding you towards self-acceptance and personal growth.
7. Practicing awareness sharpens your focus on the present task, enhancing productivity and reducing distractions in your daily routine. Having awareness will guide you to the next steps. You will be able to complete tasks with more ease.
8. Through practicing awareness, you learn to let go of worries about the future and regrets about the past, finding serenity in the present moment. It's a powerful way to reframe your mind and life.
9. By being aware of your body it becomes easy to eat the right food, do the right exercises and be around the right people that makes you physical being feel good.
10. Heightened awareness opens your eyes to the beauty and miracles of everyday life, fostering a sense of gratitude and deepening your connection to something greater than yourself, whether it be nature, a higher power, or the universe.
OK, so here’s an extra one for you, and it’s a big one.
11. Awareness will change the way you manifest. It will take you beyond the law of attraction. Awareness will give you the edge.
You might be wondering how do I do this awareness thing. Here is a simple way to start becoming more aware.
When you get up in the morning what are the first thoughts that pop into you mind? Become aware of them. Are they negative or are they positive. Next, place your feet on the ground and take a deep breath. Check into your body and feel how you feel after a night’s rest. Are you still tired, or are you rested? Do you have aches or pains? By finding your baseline, you will very quickly find out how food, clothes, place and people change your energy. When you know how things affect you, you have the power to change it!
Try it for a week and you’ll soon find out how you are stopping yourself from living you best life.
Awareness will change your life!